Carbimazole (NEOMERDIN<sup>®</sup>)

Thyroid Diseases

Thyroid Diseases

Thyroid Disease are a variety of disorders that can result in the thyroid gland producing too little thyroid hormone (hypothyroidism) or too much (hyperthyroidism).

DISCLAIMER: The purchase and use of the pharmaceutical products featured in this website requires the proper prescription of a medical doctor. The purchase, possession, and dispensing of ethical drugs without a doctor’s prescription is illegal.

Products for Thyroid Diseases

  • Carbimazole (NEOMERDIN<sup>®</sup>)

    Carbimazole (NEOMERDIN®)

    5 mg
    20 mg
  • Levothyroxine (THYDIN<sup>®</sup>)

    Levothyroxine (THYDIN®)

    12.5 mcg
    25 mcg
    50 mcg
    100 mcg
    150 mcg
  • Propranolol HCl (INDIRIN<sup>®</sup>)

    Propranolol HCl (INDIRIN®)

    10 mg
    40 mg
  • Thiamazole/Methimazole (TAPDIN<sup>®</sup>)

    Thiamazole/Methimazole (TAPDIN®)

    5 mg
    20 mg