Progesterone (PROGESTEDIN®)
What is Progestedin used for?
Progestedin is used to prevent a condition called endometrial hyperplasia in women who are taking
conjugated estrogens after menopause. It can also be used to properly regulate the menstrual cycle and treat unusual stopping of menstrual periods (secondary amenorrhea).
How much and how often should Progestedin be taken?
Progestedin is usually taken once a day in the evening or at bedtime. The dose is 200 mg, and you should take it for 12 days in a row, every 28-day cycle. For the treatment of secondary amenorrhea, it is taken once a day before bedtime and the dose is 400 mg, for 10 days. For premenstrual syndrome, benign mastopathies, menstrual irregularities, and pre-menopause, the dose will start at 200 mg to 300 mg per day which shall be taken 10 days per cycle, usually from the 14th day until menstruation occurs.
Some women may have trouble swallowing capsules. If that’s the case, you should take the capsules with a glass of water in the standing position.
What is the available pack size of Progestedin?
Progesterone is Progestedin 200 mg soft gelatin capsule, available in blister pack by 10’s in a box of 30’s.
What are the possible side effects of Progestedin?
When you take the drug progesterone, it can cause some unwanted effects. These include things like irregular bleeding, changes in your period, or even your period stopping altogether. It might also affect your breasts, causing swelling or tenderness. Some people might gain weight or experience fluid retention. Other possible reactions include liver problems, allergies with rashes, acne, dark skin patches, mood changes like feeling down, fever, trouble sleeping, drowsiness, nausea, hair loss, or increased hair growth.
Progesterone capsules might make a few patients feel tired or dizzy; therefore, caution is advised in drivers and users of machines. If you take the capsules before bedtime, it should help lessen these effects during the day.
FDA Registration number:
200 mg: DRP-11027-02